What is a Piston and How does it work in an Engine?


Basically a piston is a metal cylinder that moves up and down within the cylinder
engine during the combustion cycle which is connected to the crankshaft with a
connecting rod. The piston goes down, it inhales air into the cylinder, which later
compresses when the piston rises up. After this it increases the temperature of air
and then fuel circulates into the cylinder. The exposure of fuel to the squeezed gas
at high temperature and turmoil associated produce the power delivered by the
engine. A pistons is another necessary element that creates low pressure in the
cylinder, opposed to the big air pressure outside of the cylinder. But in the diesel
engine, a piston delivers as the bottom area of the combustion chamber, getting heat
produced by combustion and directly it away from the metal temperature to keep it in
safe limits.
We create a list of the most usual and specific causes of piston damage. So you can
identify the problem before it affects the engine.
Generally Piston Damages:

Burning Piston:

This occurs due to unclean fuel injectors that are the most common cause of
burnt piston. Once the head of the engine is removed, the burnt piston can be
seen immediately. Clear proof of melting, as well as a burned hole in the
piston should be apparent. Overheating or defected oil injection jet can also
cause a burned piston.

Defected Piston:

Constant use of bad quality gasoline can lead to defective pistons. A broken
piston might be not providing good results in the gas recirculation system. Not
proper tuning, down of piston cooling and defected injection nozzle are other
major causes of piston failure.

Major causes of Piston Failure:

Defected Diesel Piston Rings

White smoke output from the exhaust pipe, poor acceleration power in other word
total loss of power and it decrease the level of engine oil these all symptoms shows
the defected diesel piston rings. This is due to the seal between the piston and
cylinder not airtight, the oil will leak from the crankcase and firing chamber your
engine position shows the damage of piston.

Faulty Piston Skirt

Rubber coming in the air filtration system is the big source of defection to the piston
skirt. This could be a cause of knocking in the cylinder that wears down the skirt. It
makes it thinner and weaker and ultimately destroys the piston.

Piston fracture

When your car begins to create a rattling noise that persists after it has
warmed up. It indicates a major gap between the piston and cylinder wall.

How to find Piston damage and Failure?

Most engine failure is caused by piston. It generates following problems such as loss
of compression, big emissions, leakage of gas from the chamber and low lubrication.
If piston rings are broken, oil might enter the chamber. For this problem an expert
mechanic is required to resolve the engine piston problem and repair it, piston
damage is very costly. It’s due to disassemble the whole engine then resolve the
problem. Make sure you use original oil and change the oil filter at manufacturers
recommended intervals to avoid break down and defects. You should check the area
of engine coolant which you can check by opening the radiator cover or watching the
water in the coolant tank.
Are you facing these Piston Problems? BM Engine Specialists provide state of art
service with the help of latest tools and expert mechanics. Don’t hesitate to contact
us and also get free consultancy.